This segment links to a database containing Cruz’s scientific works, running the gamut from his classroom notes and lab notebooks, to manuscripts and published versions of his scientific papers, to speeches and reports from his days as head of the General Directorate of Public Health and from some of his scientific expeditions. All references are accompanied by an abstract, while the corresponding full texts are available for download in PDF format.

The following information appears on the cover: 'Dissertation for the class in Hygiene and biology. Thesis presented to the Rio de Janeiro Faculty of Medicine and defended before it; approved with distinction on December 24, 1892; by Oswaldo Gonçalves Cruz, Doctor of Medical and Surgical Sciences from the same Faculty, assistant at the National Institute of Hygiene (Microbiology Studies), former intern at Mercy Hospital, and former assistant laboratory technician for the Course on Hygiene. Legal child of Dr. Bento Gonçalves Cruz and Mrs. Amália de Bulhões Cruz; born in São Paulo. Rio de Janeiro. Printed by Tipografia da Papelaria e Impressora (S.A.) Successor of Carlos Gaspar da Silva, 111 and 113 Rua da Quitanda. 1893'